Conscious casting in the world of voiceover acting

While the stage and screen industries are shifting towards a colour-conscious casting culture, the voiceover world is only just catching up.
Wylde Flowers Conscious Voice over acting Casting

In recent years, the debate regarding accurate and authentic representation has dominated stage and screen casting. ‘Colourblind casting’ was the first solution offered, whereby productions cast actors irrespective of ethnicity. This approach soon included gender and sexual identity, with the aim being to open every role to all.

Shortly after, ‘colour-conscious casting’ and its equivalents were put forward. An advancement on colourblind casting, this movement sought to recognise the profound importance of honouring diverse stories and characters.

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Tahlia Norrish (@tahlianorrish) is an Aussie actor and writer currently based between Sydney and London. After graduating from both The Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts (Acting & Musical Theatre) and Rose Bruford College (BA (Hons) Acting), Tahlia stepped up as Head Coach at The Actor’s Dojo – an online platform pioneering actor empowerment through mindset and strategy training.