Yes to visibility and queer (re)tellings

Authentic narratives are vital for equality, and art can empower these voices and their retelling of history.

It was only four years ago that Australia legalised marriage equality, making it 16 years behind the first country to do so – the Netherlands, and four years behind countries like Brazil and New Zealand.

This monumental decision, which is noted by the National Museum as a defining moment in Australian history, rode on the wave of decades of relentless struggle and courageous advocacy. The arts stand at the epicentre of these efforts towards greater autonomy and visibility of people who identify on the spectrum of LGBTQIA+.

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Celina Lei is an arts writer and editor at ArtsHub. She acquired her M.A in Art, Law and Business in New York with a B.A. in Art History and Philosophy from the University of Melbourne. She has previously worked across global art hubs in Beijing, Hong Kong and New York in both the commercial art sector and art criticism. Most recently she took part in drafting NAVA’s revised Code of Practice - Art Fairs. Celina is based in Naarm/Melbourne. Instagram: @lleizy_